
Taxes New Entrepreneurs Can Not Afford To Ignore

Take Hold Of Your Destiny

Some people are scared of the stress that often comes along with managing a business. They think that they will not be able to keep up with the ever-changing marketplace. What they often do not take into account is that day-to-day jobs can be just as stressful. Often, employees have to live up to the unrealistic expectations of several managers. Being an entrepreneur gives you more control over your destiny, rather than having your fate be in other people’s hands. This way you can shape your life according to your needs.

Corporate America Is No Longer Stable

Perhaps you love your job. There is nothing wrong with being fulfilled by your work and enjoying a corporate environment. This can quickly change when your company merges or is sold to new owners. It is common for things to change completely just on the resignation of key officers. This can make the workplace atmosphere you once loved suddenly become unbearable. You might now be in the predicament of proving yourself all over again, even after many years of loyal service. It is better to work for yourself and be the master of your destiny. 

Being An Entrepreneur Is Hard Work

No doubt, being a successful entrepreneur will require hard work and dedication. However, the younger generations are no strangers to working several jobs and/or side hustles and still barely making enough money to pay the bills. This is not a comfortable life and will quickly wear anyone down. Comparatively, you will work hard in your own business, but it will feel much more worthwhile. The money will be much more satisfying, and you will be motivated and challenged in a new way.

Small Business Should Never Underestimate Taxes

The Internal Revenue Service has been more active in targeting small businesses for tax audits in the last several years. New businesses have spent 2.5 billion each year preparing taxes and answering questions from the IRS about tax return inquiries.

However, there are things that any new business can do to lessen its tax burden. We will discuss how choosing the right business entity can make your life as a new entrepreneur much easier in the coming future.

Business Structure

One of the most important things you can do is be aware of the different types of legal structures that exist and how that affects your overall tax and liability burden. You should be fully aware of the different types of business entities and what that means for your business.

What is a business entity?

One or more natural persons create a business entity to carry on a trade or business. Business owners often favor corporations and LLCs because they offer several layers of protection for their owners.

The following are types of business entities:

  • Limited liability company: A registered business with limited liability for all members
  • Professional limited liability company: An LLC structure for professionals, such as doctors and accountants
  • C-corporation: An incorporated business composed of shareholders, directors, and officers
  • S-corporation: An incorporated business that is taxed as a pass-through entity
  • Professional corporation: A corporate structure for professionals, such as doctors and accountants
  • B-corporation: A for-profit corporation that is certified for meeting social and environmental standards
  • Nonprofit: Corporations: A formed primarily to benefit the public interest rather than earn a profit.

Always start with a business plan.

A business plan is a strategy that lays out all the important aspects of your company including goals, financing, and operations. Many online retailers mistake a lack of brick and mortar overhead as an excuse for not planning out the details of their business properly. In order for your online retail business to be taken seriously, you must treat it as a serious business.

Think of it this way, a good business plan should tell anyone who reads all the essential details of your company. 

A solid business plan should contain some elements of the following:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company (who we are)
  • Products and Services (what we sell)
  • Market Analysis (who we sell to)
  • Strategy (how we sell, who the competition is, what the roadmap is)
  • Operations (how it is made)
  • Financial Plan (what are the funding requirements, what is the expected return on investment)

A good business plan often makes a critical difference between failure and success. It provides a clear pathway on which your online retail business can navigate

It Is Never Too Early To Plan For Taxes

It is true that 2020 was a year that had a lot of personal challenges for small businesses. However, understanding your tax liability for the coming year is always a good idea and it is never too early to start. There is no reason that taxes need to be a mystery and you can forecast what you will owe in the coming year.

Become Proactive

Business taxes are determined by net income. This is when you subtract business expenses from gross revenues. Having an online accounting system automatically keeps track of your figures. If you use an online accounting system and you’ve entered all income and expenses, the system will automatically provide you with a gross profit figure.  Those that use spreadsheets, please take the time to add up the numbers so you can forecast what you will need to owe in taxes for the following year.

Getting A Tax Resale Certification Is One Of The Best Things You Can Do As An Entrepreneur

As a self-employed person, getting a tax resale certificate can save you money on taxes.

In short, a tax retail certificate allows you not to pay sales tax on items that you plan to resell. This can also apply to supplies used in products you will resell, such as wood for a cabinet.

However, the process can be difficult, and the rules are different for each state. That is why TaxResaleCertificate should do all the hard work for you. We can ensure you get all the advantages of a tax resale certificate without dealing with the hassle of government red tape. Let us handle the hard stuff so you can run your business confidently. Make sure you check out our second blog in this series so you can learn even more valuable information about tax resale certificates.